Start a Pin Collection

Pathfinders can earn free Pins for the following activities:

Community Service Projects
The Gillette community has asked for Pathfinder Power to assist them in over 40 custom-designed service projects. Pathfinder clubs from around the world have already registered and will be giving over 10,000 hours of service. See what is still available.
To be a Volunteer Supervisor for a project, contact Cindi.


We challenge every Pathfinder club to come to the Camporee with at least one Pathfinder whom they have studied with and prepared for baptism.
Join your friends...and explore God's Word.
It's fun and simple to do! Games, puzzles, and thrilling stories bring the Bible to life
Watch this exciting video bellow!

Bible Study Challenge
Want a free Camporee pin? It's all yours...when you complete the Pathfinder Bible Study Challenge and personally attend the 2024 International Pathfinder Camporee! Sponsored by the Voice of Prophecy Discover Bible School.

TLT Service Projects
If you are a Teen Leader in Training (TLT or LIT) in grades 9-12 you are invited be involved with service projects at the Camporee to get a Service Project Pin and t-shirt.