

e-​Honors on YouTube, Facebook Video or Slideshows

These are gradually being moved to the individual honor category helps.
​If you don't find it here, check there. 

Aboriginal Lore Honor (Level 1)

Adinkra Honor (**BUC)

ADRA Hunger Relief Honor (Level 1)

​African American Heritage Honor (Level 1)

African Lore Honor (Level 1)

Agriculture Honor (Level 2)

Alive Bible (Level 1)

Alternative Fuels (Level 2)

Amphibians Honor (Level 1)

Animal Camouflage Honor (Level 1)

Animal Tracking Honor (Level  1) 

Antelopes Honor (Level  1) 

Artificial Intelligence Honor (Level 2)

Aviator Honor (Level 2)
Prerequisite - Must already have the Airplane Modeling Honor

​Backpacking Honor (Level 1)
(Your club or unit can schedule a Backpacking campout once Pathfinders starts again)

Bagpipes Honor (Patch is available at BUC Store)

Baking Honor (Level 2)

Barbering & Hairstyle Honor (Level 3)

Basic Rescue Honor (Level 1)

Basic Sewing Honor (Level 1)

Bats Honor (Level 1)

Biblical Archaeology Honor (Level 2)

​Bible Marking Honor (Level 2)

Biosafety Honor (Level 1)

Bird Honor (Level 1)

Blood & the Body's Defenses (Level 2)

Bogs and Fens Honor (Level 2)

                    * Peatland YouTube Video
                    * Staying Present in Bogs and Fens with Russell Sherfin 
                    * What is a Bog? YouTube Video
Bones and Muscle Movement (Level 2)

Bookkeeping Honor (Level 2)

Brain and Behavior Honor (Level 2)

Bridges Honor (Level 1)

Bully Prevention I Honor (Level 1)

Business Honor (Level 2) 

Cacti Honor (Level 1)

Camp Safety Honor (Level 2)

Camping Skills I Honor (Level 1)

Cancer Awareness Honor

Card Making Honor (Level 1)

Cats Honor (Level 1)

Child Care (Babysitting) Honor (Level 1)

Chocolate Honor (Level 1) (Patch is available at BUC Store)

Christian Art of Preaching Honor (Level 2)

Christian Citizenship Honor (Level 1)

​Christian Grooming and Manners Honor (Level 2)

Christian Sales Principles Honor (Level 2)

Christian Storytelling Honor (Level 2)

Christian Visitation Honor (Level 2)

Climate Science Honor (Level 2)

Communication (Semaphore) Honor (Level 2)

Computers Honor (Level 2)

Cooking Honor (Level 1)

Cooking, Advanced (Level 2)

Coqui Honor 

Coral Reef Honor (Level 1)

                     * Paper Mache Coral Reef display YouTube Video (Part 1)
                     * Paper Mache Coral Reef display YouTube Video (Part 2)
                     * How to Make a Model of the Great Barrier Reef out of Pasta YouTube Video
                     * ​DIY Expandable Spray Foam Coal Reef Decoration YouTube Video
Creationism Honor (Level 2)

Crisis Intervention Honor (Level 3)

Cryptography Honor (British Union)

Cultural Diversity Appreciation Honor (Level 2)

Cultural Heritage Honor (Level 1)​

Currency Honor (Coins) (Level 3)

Decoupage Honor (Level 1)

Digital Photography Honor (Level 2)

Digestion Honor (Level 2)

Dinosaur Honor (Level 1)

Disaster Ministries (Level 1)

Disciples and Apostles (Level 2)

Dogs Honor (Level 1)

Drawing Honor (Level 2)

Drumming & Percussion Honor (Level 3)

Ecology Honor (Level 3)

Electricity Honor (Level 1) - Instructor Required

Edible Wild Plants Honor (Level 2)

Endangered Species Honor (Level 2)

Engineering Honor (Level 2)

Family Life Honor (Level 2)

Feeding Ministries Honor (Level 1) 

​Fire Safety Honor (Level 1)
Prerequisite - Must already have the Red Alert Honor

First Aid, Basic (Level 1)

Flags Honor (Level 1)

Flowers Honor (Level 1)

Food Freezing Honor (Level 2)

Fossils Honor (Level 2)

 Guitar Honor (Level 2)

Genealogy Honor (Level 2)

Geocaching Honor (Level 1)

Gift Wrapping Honor (Level 1)

God's Messenger Honor (Level 1)

Health and Healing Honor (Level 2)​

Hearing Honor (British Union)

Heart and Circulation Honor (Level 1)

Herb Honor (Level 1)

Heredity Honor (Level 3)

Home Nursing (Level  2)

Housekeeping Honor (Level 1)

Human Trafficking Awareness Honor (British Union)

Hymn​ Honor (Level 1)

Identifying Community Needs Honor (Level 1)

Insects Honor (Level 1)

Internet Honor (Level 1)

 Juggling Honor (Level 1)

Journalism Honor (Level 2)

Kilts Honor (British Union)

Kites Honor (Level 1)

Knot Tying Honor (Level 2) - you do not need to register online, give your completed worksheet to your director.

Laughter Honor

Laundering Honor (Level 1)

Lego Design Honor 

Lichens, Liverworts, & Lichens (Level 3)

Lighthouses Honor (Level 1)

Mammals Honor (Level 1)

Marine Mammals Honor (Level  2)

Media Broadcast Ministry Honor (Level 2)

Meteorites Honor (Level 1)
Prerequisite - Must already have the Rocks and Minerals Honor

Microscopic Life (Level 2)

Migration Honor (Level 1)

Mobile Technology Honor (Level 2)

Model Rocketry (Level 1)

Moths and Butterflies Honor (Level 2)

Music Honor (Level )

Nutrition Honor (Level 1)

Nutrition Advanced Honor (Level 3)

Origami Honor (Level 1)

Painting Honor (Level 2)

Palm Trees Honor (Level 2)

Peacemaker Honor (Level 1) 

Photography (Level 1)

Physical Fitness Honor (Level 2)

Pigeon Raising Honor (Level 2)

Pin Trading Honor (Level 1)

Pin Trading, Advanced Honor

Pioneering Honor (Level 2)

Pizza Maker Honor (Level 1)

Podcasting Honor (New) (British Union Honor)

Poetry and Songwriting Honor (Level 1)

Postcard Honor (Level 1)

Poultry Honor (Level 1)

Prayer Honor (Level 1)

Preach It Honor (Level 2)

Prophets and Prophecy Honor (Level 2)

Puppetry Honor (Level 2)

Quilting Honor (Level 2)

Raptors Honor (Level 1)

Red Alert Honor (Level 1)

Refugee Assistance Honor (Level 1)

Reptiles Honor (Level 1)

Rocks and Minerals Honor (Level 2)

Rural Development Honor (Level 2)

Sanctuary Honor (Level 1)

Sand Honor (Level 1)

Scrapbooking Honor (Level 1)

Seeds Honor (Level 1)

Seeds, Advanced Honor Help (Level 2)

Senses Honors (British Union Honors)

Sharks Honor (Level 1)

Shells Honor (Level 1)

Shrubs Honor (Level 1)

 Sign Language Honor (Level 1)

Silk Screen Printing Honor (Level 2)

Small Group Bible Study (Level 1) 

Soap Craft Honor (Level 1)

Soap Making Honor (Level 3)  (There must be an adult present when teaching this honor for safety reasons)

Social Media Honor (Level 2)

Soils Honor (Level 1)

Stars Honor (Level 1

Stamps Honor (Level 2)

Street Art Honor (Level 2)

Stewardship Honor (Level 2)

Taiga Honor (Level 1)

Temperance Honor (Level 2)

Temperate Deciduous Forest Honor (Level 1)

Tie-Dye and Tie Dye, Advanced Honor (Level 1)

Touch Honor

Toy Boat Regatta 

Travel Honor (Level 1)

Trees Honor (Level 1)

Vexillology Honor (Level 1)

Viruses Honor (Level 2)

Visual Media Critic Honor (Level 2)

Volcanos Honor (Florida Honor)

Waterfalls Honor (Level 1)

Weather Honor

Worms (Level 1)