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Master Guide Training Mar. 23

March 23, 2019

College View Church

9 am to 5 pm


Early Bird registration until February 28 $7.00

Late registration from March 1 to March 22 $10.00

(includes Lunch and Certificate)

Planed Classes:

LEAD 106: How to be a Christian leader
LEAD 213: Vision, mission and motivation
RCSF 102: Risk Management for Adventurer and Pathfinder Ministries
PYSO 125: Discipline
Lunch Time
CMME 100: Communication theory and listening skills
CMME 104: Practical communication practices
RELI 112: How to prepare effective creative worship
LEAD 160: Understanding and using creativity
OUTR 200: Principles of youth and children’s evangelism
OUTR 100: How to lead a child to Christ
Achievements Recognition Certificates

Classes subject to change